“When you feel ‘I have self-respect,’ that is not self-respect anymore. When you are just you, without thinking or trying to say something special, just saying what is on your mind and how you feel, then there is naturally self-respect.
While we were talking about self-respect a bird was singing outside. ‘Peep-peep-peep’. That’s self-respect.” - Shunryu Suzuki
Hello Sangha!
And a happy Celebration of Silliness to you. As eagle eyed calendar watchers know, this is the week we remember Dongshan for the time he grumpily delayed dying for a week so his monks could get over their crying and throw him a send off party. Because sometimes you just wanna clock out, but your bodhisattva vows say maybe putting in a little overtime is ok too… And for all of you Dongshan fans out there, we’ve got a real banger of a poem from him lined up for our ZenLit night this week (see below)!
But speaking of the changing of the days, tomorrow is the first Saturday of the month which means TWO fantastic things are happening tomorrow. First! It’s a Half Day Sit (3/1 - 7am - 12pm), led by our freshly arrived resident trainee, Sara Campbell. (Schedule posted here!) And we’d love to see you there for as much or as little of the day as you’re able.
(If anyone (who you know personally) is sick or otherwise in need of good health well wishes, you can add their names to the form you see here (bottom of the page) and we’d be happy to include them in this month’s well being dedication.)
And then! If you really want to help welcome our guest and celebrate the beginning of ango season, at 7pm (still tomorrow 3/1), join us for our first “Same Difference” Rent Party, in which we host a variety show of music, stories, poetry and other entertainments here in the ACZC zendo, including performances from your sangha friends Dave, Samm, & Matt.
And yes, this week kicks off three months of ango! Which means you are more than welcome and encouraged to join us for any or all of our Tuesday - Saturday morning enhanced schedule:
6:30 - 7:00am………………Silent Coffee (optional)
7:00 - 8:10am………………Zazen & Kinhin
8:10 - 8:40am………………Chanting
8:40 - 9:10am…………..…Zen Breakfast
9:10 - 9:50am………………Work Practice
But speaking of all the ways to fill your time with nothing much to do, this week on the podcast we are very pleased to bring you Freestyle! (Don’t Waste Time) w/ Pedro Peres. Pedro wrestles with the wasting of time and how to know whether we’re on the right practice path. Is the way in front of us a confusing multitude of branching streams we need to choose, a bright freedom of present possibility, or a blank void of ‘why bother’? Are we trying to repress our inclinations to conform to a prescribed practice, or finding our own freestyle? Is goofing off a waste of time, or is working hard not appreciating it?? Find out here!
Up now at http://aczc.org/aczcpodcast or on all your favorite podcast platforms.
And hey, here’s some ZenLit(™) for the week:
Dongshan’s Ode to the Five Ranks
—The True in the Skewed—
In the early part of the middle of the night, before the moon shines
Don’t be surprised if we meet, but don’t recognize, each other
Still faintly holding an old grudge
—The Skewed in the True—
An old woman, missing the dawn, meets an ancient mirror
Sees her face clearly, but not really
How could she not confuse her head for its shape?
—From the True—
Within lack there is a path out of the dust
But if you never say what you never should
You’ll surpass even the old regime’s talent for cutting out tongues
—Unity Arrives—
No need to avoid the clashing of twin blades
A skilled hand is like a lotus in a flame
It naturally wields a power that soars up skyward
—Unity Reached—
Not being bound to being or not, how could anyone make peace with that?
Everyone wants out of the currents of time
to go sit and mingle with the coals and embers
This Week in Zen! All times posted in Pacific time zone, all sessions hosted in person and on Zoom unless otherwise marked (email us for quick and easy Zoom access info):
Saturday - 3/1, 7am - 12:30pm
Half Day Sit w/ Sara Campbell - Our biggest day of the month! Join us bright and early (or any time in the schedule you’d like) for morning zazen, some light chanting, a little Zen breakfast, some quick cleanup, and then we’re back in for two more rounds of zazen, all culminating in a talk with our newly inaugurated resident trainee. See y’all there! (Schedule posted here.)
Saturday - 3/1, 7pm - 9:30(ish)
”Same Difference” - Rent Party & Variety Show - Where instead of sitting zazen, we have a variety show and party featuring poets, singers, and storytellers, (including some sangha friends you may know) plus some well earned sangha social time. Also, we’re going to ask for money, and then diligently not notice who donates or does not because, as always, all are invited, no donation necessary. Also! Rumor is there will be a raffle, ginger beer, and popcorn. Also! We’d be delighted to see you there.
Monday - 3/3, 7:30pm - 9pm
Sit & Discussion w/ Dave Cuomo - One half hour of sweet sweet zazen and then Dave is back in the hot seat with a talk about why there’s no such thing as a win/lose situation as far as Zen is concerned. Or losing at all actually. Because the universe is always a guaranteed win/win/win. Don’t believe him?? Come on out and tell him!
Wednesday - 3/5, 7:30pm - 9pm
Sit & ZenLit Night - We celebrate our great forbear Dongshan with some fantastical poetry that might even just hold a lost clue to where this whole zen/zazen train is taking us. And we’re here for the whole ride. Join us!
Thursday - 3/6, 7:30pm - 8:40pm
Evening Zazen - Join us for the newest addition to our schedule with two rounds of uninhibited evening sitting to wind down your day (and week!), and maybe even go a little deep. We’ll see y’all there.
Friday - 3/7, 8am
Morning Chanting Service - This week! We chant the Heart Sutra in sacred English, followed by Shitou’s ode to the days we would never let go to waste, The Declaration of Unity. Poetry for the ages! Come on out and lend us your voice.
Tuesday - Friday, 7am - 8am
Morning Sit - One simple hour of what we do best - just sitting. Optional five minute stretch break offered in the middle.
See y’all soon!