“Even when she enters hell, she will lighten up hell with the sound of her laughter... If your Sangha has one good person like that, someone who can smile, be happy, and have faith in all circumstances, it is a good Sangha.”
- Thich Nhat Hanh
Hello Sangha!
We hope you are faring well and planning to take a rest this fine holiday weekend! Halfway through the year already and we’re ready for a long nap (and maybe a tofu dog or two) before summer kicks into high gear.
That said we’re not exactly slowing down over here in Zen world, and this week we have not one but two special events for those of you who want to sprinkle a little dharma in with your leisure time.
Zen Book Club w/ Sara Campbell is back! Join us on Zoom this Sunday, 5/26 at 3:00 pm for a discussion of timeless Zen wisdom in the words of the Japanese nun Shundo Aoyama from her book Zen Seeds.
And then later on Sunday at 7pm, we will be hosting our monthly Full Moon Ceremony - the oldest (and some say most beautiful) ceremony in Buddhism where we acknowledge all our ancient, twisted karma, chant the precepts, and remember why we do this.
And speaking of remembering why we do this stuff, this week on the podcast we are delighted to present The Shadow of Happiness (The 5 Powers) w/ Sara Campbell. Sara revels in the nightmare of a beautiful spring evening, the fragility of the daffodils, the darkness of the rain, and the five powers that can turn that nightmare into a perfectly present dream. How do we remember to notice the cool breeze of a deep blue twilight when all we feel is dark? Can we include fear and pessimism in our all inclusiveness, or are they the absence of all inclusiveness? And will anyone remember to bring light and laughter to the bodhisattva of light and laughter? Find out here!
Up now at http://aczc.org/aczcpodcast or on all your favorite podcast platforms.
Your koan for the week:
When people are alone, they’re not so bad. However, when a group forms, paralysis occurs; people become totally foolish and cannot distinguish good from bad. Their minds are numbed by the group. Because of their desire to belong and even to lose themselves, some pay membership fees. Others work on advertising to attract people and intoxicate them for some political, spiritual, or commercial purpose.
I keep some distance from society, not to escape it but to avoid this kind of paralysis. To practice zazen is to become free of this group stupidity.
This Week in Zen! All times posted in Pacific time zone, all sessions hosted in person and on Zoom unless otherwise marked (email us for quick and easy Zoom access info):
Saturday - 5/25, 10am - 12:30pm
Sit & Discussion w/Emily Eslami - Our biggest day of the week! Two half hour rounds of zazen, one walking meditation in the middle, and then Emily’s back to lead us through a discussion of the Traditional Zen Spirit chapter of Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind All, which is about how practice and understanding are the same thing. Come on out and see why she’s titled the talk “Real Dragon”!
Sunday - 5/26, 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Zen Book Club w/Sara Campbell - Sara is back to lead us in a discussion of Shundo Aoyama’s Zen Seeds: 60 Essential Buddhist Teachings on Effort, Gratitude, and Happiness. We’ll discuss the following five chapters: Present Moment, We Are Identical to Everyone and Everything, Continuous Effort, We Are Naturally Compassionate, and Taming Judgment. No need to pre-read as the chapters are short. Just bring yourself and a curious mind.
Sunday - 5/26, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Full Moon Ceremony - Join us for a short and sweet half hour of zazen before we do the lyrical and melodious Ryaku Fusatsu, where we chant the precepts and remember why they were such good advice in the first place. All are welcome (no prior precept commitment required)!
Monday - 5/27, 7:30pm - 9pm
Sit & Discussion w/ Henry Zander - We’ll sit zazen for 30 minutes and then Henry takes the hotseat (in person, no less!) for a talk on the Lotus Sutra, the Mahabharata and how Zen undermines our desire for stories. We will see you there!
Wednesday - 5/29, 7:30pm - 9pm (Zoom Only)
Sit & Koan Discussion w/ Leon Sandler - Leon is back to lead us in a discussion of Chapter 11 of The Zen Teaching of Homeless Kodo, featuring the spicy take above. Join us!
Friday - 5/31 at 8am
Morning Chanting Service - This week we’ll chant the Harmony of Difference and Equality the names of the female ancestors in our lineage. Come chant with us, it does a body good!
Tuesday - Friday, 7am - 8am
Morning Sit - One simple hour of what we do best - just sitting. Optional five minute stretch break offered in the middle.
See y’all soon!