“Every time I sit it's a new art project, like I get out a page and don't know what's going to happen. Like every sit I'm making a book of things. And I love that.” - Samm
Hello Sangha!
So a little bird is telling us we’re slipping closer to something they’re calling “spooky season”, to which we say, hey, if you are scared of the deep dark things karma might throw your way, then what better way to ward them off then by joining us on Sunday night (10/20) at 7pm for our monthly Sit & Full Moon Ceremony, where we can howl away our regards and regrets with wanton abandon. We’re told it’s a good deed that scores major points with the great celestial accountants that can ward off whatever wicked fates might be wont to haunt you. And if that’s all just silly superstition, hey, it’s also a great excuse to spend a breezy Sunday evening saying some ancient and beautiful things with your friends after a little sweet sweet zazen. And we’d be delighted to see you there.
Also! Last week we mentioned some of the fun things we’re dreaming up as possibilities to add to the schedule next year, but we forgot to mention a big one to all you zen lit nerds out there. Our weekly koan night is winding its way down to ending soon. We have just ten koans left in the Book of Serenity we’ve been working through for the last couple years, and after 8 years and a full 400 koan curriculum, we’re thinking it might be time to see what other cool literature Zen may have cooked up in the last 2,500 years. Maybe a book study of something written in the last century could be interesting (if we want to really be hip and current)? Or maybe you’re hankering for a deep dive into your favorite Mahayana Sutra that’s been sitting on the shelf calling to you. Point is, let us know if you have any thoughts on what a good Zen Book wants to be, and also check out some of the other potential suggestions for next year and let us know what might inspire you, as we plan out a schedule you want to see happen here. And in the meantime come on out and join us Wednesdays in 2024 for koans while they’re still here!
Also don’t forget, our Fall Sesshin (11/8-11/11) is being hosted right here at ACZC in the city. Full meals and overnight accommodations will be provided here at the center, but commuter and partial attendance options are available as well. Registration and info is up here (schedule subject to change). And as always feel free to reach out if you have any questions at all.
But speaking of turbid tales of transcendent time outs, this week on the podcast we are very excited to bring you Revenge Fantasy #3 (What Am I Doing Here??) w/ Samm. Samm brings us the unvarnished story of what she’s doing and why she’s here as a second generation Zennie growing up in Buddhist America; a story of snake oil salesmen, tyrants, a revenge best served warm, and a Buddhism that somehow survives despite everything us humans try to throw at it. Should we trust the spiritually special? Is it possible to disidentify from your own narrative? Is it ok to wear shorts in the zendo?? Let’s find out!
Up now at http://aczc.org/aczcpodcast or on all your favorite podcast platforms.
And hey, here’s a koan for the week:
Case in point:
Yangshan dreamed he was at Maitryea Buddha’s palace, seated at Maitreya’s right hand.
A monk said, “Let the right hand man give the dharma talk today.”
Yangshan got up, banged the gavel, and said, “I humbly declare: the dharma of the Mahayana is beyond being or non-being, beyond both being and non-being, and beyond neither being nor non-being. It is completely free of the need to even argue with delusion.”
Hearing this, the assembly dispersed.
Yangshan woke up and told his teacher Guishan about his dream.
Guishan said, “You’ve become so holy.”
Yangshan bowed.
This Week in Zen! All times posted in Pacific time zone, all sessions hosted in person and on Zoom unless otherwise marked (email us for quick and easy Zoom access info):
Saturday - 10/19, 10am - 12:30pm
Sit & Discussion w/ Pedro Perez - Our biggest day of the week! Two half hour rounds of zazen, and then our good friend Pedro takes the hot seat to discuss the ins and outs of posture and proper zazen with some choice details on history, technique, and the relevant and revealing struggles of personal experience. Should we be sitting lotus? Did Buddha even sit lotus?? Whose idea was this anyway?? See y’all there!
Sunday - 10/20, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Full Moon Ceremony - Join us for a short and sweet half hour of zazen before we go all in to chant the lyrical and melodious Ryaku Fusatsu, where we recite the precepts in glorious one note harmony and remember why they were such good advice in the first place. All are welcome (no prior precept commitment required)!
Monday - 10/21, 7:30pm - 9pm
Sit & Discussion w/ Dave Cuomo - One half hour round of zazen and then Dave is back in the hot seat with a talk on the upsides and downsides of harmony, complete with a fresh translation of the Harmony of Difference and Equality and a smattering of cross cultural mythologies. Are Eastern notions of social harmony at odds with our ideals of personal aspiration? Do we need a little discord to complicate our melodies? Is one person’s excellence inherently a threat to a happy harmonious community?? Let’s discuss!
Wednesday - 10/23, 7:30pm - 9pm (Zoom Only)
Sit & Koan Discussion w/ Dave - Yangshan has one of those dreams (you know the kind) where he suddenly finds himself faced with a pop quiz with no less than all of Tushita Heaven waiting on his response. Will he rise to the occasion? Is he fully dressed? Is the Mahanaya supremely transcendent, or just a little over it at the moment? Let’s find out!
Friday - 10/25, 8am
Morning Chanting Service - This week! We chant the Heart Sutra in English followed by Shitou’s liltingly lazy ode to traversing the universe without leaving the comfort of your abode - the Straw Hut Song. Poetry for the ages! Come on out and lend us your voice.
Tuesday - Friday, 7am - 8am
Morning Sit - One simple hour of what we do best - just sitting. Optional five minute stretch break offered in the middle.
See y’all soon!