“Open yourself to the possibility that this is an epic suffering. This is the most powerful, magical depression.” - Erik Andersen
Hello sangha!
We know, according to the calendars there’s still one more month of summer, but for better or for worse, with the cool nights starting to come in through the zendo windows it can’t help but feel like it’s all starting to wind down. And hey, change may be the great universal constant to all things, but that just sounds to us like all the more reason to send the summer out with a bang this Sunday with our No Talent Show!! (Sunday 8/28 at 7pm). Word on the street is there will be Zen limericks of a questionable nature, and along with everything else he’s juggling, our own center caretaker has casually mentioned that he might juggle fire. Whoa. Come on out and entertain us with whatever silly human trick you might have lying around, or just entertain and delight us with your (in person or Zoom) presence. Also! The good news: it’s already been decided this will be a seasonal event. So, Fall is coming. Just sayin’, no excuses. I believe it was Buddha who said, “if there isn’t a delightfully awkward karaoke sing along, it’s not my sangha.” Maybe it was Bodhidharma. The point stands.
But hey, speaking of the sacredly silly and the magically mundane, this week on the podcast we are very pleased to bring you Erik Andersen with “An Unfortunate Sequence of Events” (Sacred or Mundane?). Erik takes a loving look at the cold hard truth that this might be as good as it gets. Is the world a good place at heart? Or is it as inherently corrupt as it seems? Buddhism says both! So what should we believe? Is it better to challenge negative beliefs or celebrate them? Is there an outlook that can help make the world a better place, and is that the point? Find out here!
And now without further ado…This Week in Zen!
All sessions hosted in person and on Zoom unless otherwise marked (email us for quick and easy Zoom access info):
Saturday, 8/27 at 10am
Sit & Discussion w/ Emily Eslami - Our biggest day of the week! Two half hour rounds of zazen, one walking meditation in the middle, and then Emily returns with her series on the book that (for so many of us) began it all, Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind. This month - “The Worst Horse.” For anyone out there worried you might be the best at being the worst, fear not! You might be in some very good company. See y'all there.
Sunday 8/28 at 7pm
No Talent Show! - A no-pressure open mic where we can all engage in the sagely practice of not taking ourselves too seriously. Any and all performances welcome, the sillier the better. ‘Entertain us don’t impress us’ is the theme or feel free to not perform and just delight us with your (in person or Zoom) presence!
Monday 8/29 at 7:30pm
Sit & Talk w/ Jason Dodge - Jason returns to the hot seat for a relaxing and revelatory evening of sitting around and finding ways to help the silence speak its name out loud. Join us!
Wednesday 8/31 at 7:30pm (Zoom Only)
Koan Night - This week! Changqing said, “I’d rather say all the disciples were drinking poison then say the Buddha ever said more than one thing!” Baofu said, “Hey, Chanqing. Buddy. Have some tea.” Let’s join them for a chill pill shall we?
Thursday, 9/1 at 7pm (Zoom Only)
Yoga & Zazen w/ Nina Snow- And our favorite yoga director is back for one hour of perfect Slow Flow yoga, followed by one half hour of sweet sweet zazen to send you off towards some sweet sweet sleep. See y’all there.
Friday, 9/2 at 8am
Join us for the Heart Sutra Chanting Service. This week we chant the Heart Sutra in plain perfect English followed by that great needle of wisdom that’s been poking us in our third eye (three stooges style ), Zazenshin (Acupuncture Needle of Zazen). Poetry for the ages!
Tuesday - Friday, 7am - 8am
Morning Sit - One simple hour of what we do best - just sitting. Optional five minute stretch break offered in the middle.
That’s all for this week. See y’all soon!